Acontece que no es poco | La batalla de Vitoria y el orinal de José I Bonaparte

Updated: March 10, 2025

SER Podcast


The video narrates the departure of José Bonaparte from Spain and the looting that occurred during his escape. It emphasizes the significance of a chamber pot in history, particularly in the context of José Bonaparte's flight. Details about the Battle of Vitoria and the plunder that took place are discussed, including the story of the king's silver chamber pot and its value among the regiment of light dragoons. The narrative also touches upon the return of the looted artworks to Spain and their subsequent preservation in museums.

Retiro de José Bonaparte de España

Se relata la salida de José Bonaparte de España y todo lo saqueado durante su huida.

Importancia del Orinal en la Historia

Se discute la importancia del orinal en la historia, especialmente en el contexto de la huida de José Bonaparte.

Batalla de Vitoria y Saqueo

Descripción de la batalla de Vitoria y el saqueo que tuvo lugar durante la misma.

El Orinal de Plata del Rey Español

Detalles sobre el orinal de plata del rey español y su valor dentro del regimiento de dragones ligeros.

Restitución de las Obras a España

Relato sobre la restitución de las obras saqueadas a España y su posterior custodia en museos.


Q: What historical event is being described in the file?

A: The file describes the departure of José Bonaparte from Spain and the looting that took place during his escape.

Q: Why is the importance of the chamber pot (orinal) discussed in the context of José Bonaparte's escape?

A: The significance of the chamber pot is discussed in relation to its historical importance and possibly its role during the escape of José Bonaparte.

Q: What is mentioned about the Battle of Vitoria in the file?

A: The file contains a description of the Battle of Vitoria and the looting that occurred during the battle.

Q: What details are provided about the silver chamber pot of the Spanish king and its value within the regiment of light dragoons?

A: The file includes details about the silver chamber pot of the Spanish king and its significance within the light dragoons regiment.

Q: What is discussed regarding the restitution of the looted works to Spain and their subsequent custody in museums?

A: The file discusses the restitution of the looted works to Spain and their placement in museums for safekeeping.


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